Saturday, August 17, 2019

It’s Ok To Be Sad

It’s ok to be sad. Without sadness you would never appreciate happiness. Ride it out. We all have pain at times. Some avoidable some not so much. 

Be Different...Always!

There’s only one of you! We all can be unique in our own way. 

Stay Soft Regardless Of Pain You Feel

I wanted to be mad because when I feel pain or hurt I get mad. But I don’t want to be like that anymore. So stay soft. Stay sweet stay kind. 

Find Clarity & Clear Your Thoughts

I gave this to a friend not sure why we stopped talking. I gave them to help them through a confusing period of their life. It was to help them find guidance and a sense of direction. They said they were once down it brought them luck. 

Healing stones have a magic way of working. I meditate holding them. What stones do you have?

Always Believe In Yourself

Believe in your strengthens . Stop asking questions. Stop wondering why some people don’t act like you want them to. Stop chasing. See things for what they are. Believe in yourself. 

Everything Changes & That’s Ok

Are you ever in a situation and think wow so much has changed. 6 months ago. A year ago. Things have changed so much. That you never thought today. This current time. You would be where you are at. 

And it’s good and bad and fun and sad. You have to understand things happen in life. The universe will keep teaching you lessons until you listen and get it right. 

It will direct you to where you’re meant to be and how your life should be. 

Take this time to process. Do know that you can’t fight change. Embrace it. 

Respect Everyone’s Space

Respect someone’s space and love them from afar. 
I knew a situation wasn’t right. I love how connected at time we can be. I tried reaching a friend and didn’t hear back. I then knew I had to respect their space and time. You have to realize people aren’t always ready to talk. People need to experience their journey. Some need to be alone. To process. Honor their space. Just let them know you’re here if they need you. Don’t take it personal. Sometimes things are best left unsaid. 

Embrace Your Freedom

This is very powerful. Read this again. Break your chains.