Are You Ready For Cuffing Season?

Cooler weather means Fall is coming and Summer is coming to an end means dating season is in full force. For those who don’t know what cuffing season is it’s for single people who are done partying, traveling, camps, kids summer schedule, pool days and day trips are over and now want to settle down in the cold months with someone. Date. Have a companion. Cuddle. Someone to do dinners with and nights in with. Celebrate holidays. Chat with. 

Scouting is in full force. The joys of being single! Good luck to you all 💗

Sunday Night Vibes...You Got This!

No worries. Just go with it!

Day Trip to Arthur Ave

It was the perfect Sunday. We packed up in the car and headed to the Bronx for lunch. We stopped in some stores and I had to get items for a Pana Mortadela. It’s like butter. The bread from one store. The Mortadela from Casa de Mozzarella. 

Zero Otto Nove is our favorite spot for lunch. The Zuppa de pesce is my favorite. I love dunking the bread in the broth. I take all the fish out of the shells and eat it like soup. The pizza is amazing that comes out of the wood oven. 

After we stopped in the market. Most of the little food stands were closed. We went in and the kids got ice cream. 

The weather is perfect and a quick 45 min trip. 

Chasing...Who What When

Don’t do it. They aren’t your people if you have to chase. 

Hey Stamford Food Festival 2019

It was the perfect day. PERFECT. The weather was perfect. The food trucks were perfect. We stayed for hours, until closing and walked and ate and listened to music and drank and ate some more and laughed over and over. It was so much fun. 

Ok Food Trucks...where do I begin. A ton to pick from. We started off at my Favorite Melt mobile. I had their Pork U Pine. 

This is the only meal we didn’t split well because I didn’t want to share to be honest. You can’t share. It’s that’s good. It’s my favorite. Pulled pork with pickles grilled cheese. 

I could eat this over and over. 

Next up...

Lobster Quesadilla from Cousins Main Lobster. So good!

Then fries with the works. I mean hello! Amazing pork fries. 

I should stop but I won’t. Only because we spent hours here and walked over 15,000 steps. Laughed so much and hung out. Then ate some more. 

Fried Oreos and fried pickles. I know what you’re thinking where’s the healthy stuff. They did have some trucks with healthy items but we weren’t in a mood for that. I love fried pickles and don’t normally love fried Oreos but these Oreos were the best I ever had. 

You can say our steamed burger was healthier than anything we ate. I was mixed about this one. Tasty yet Mind was confused because it is steamed. 

They have the festival taking place today. $20 admission. So worth it. 

Always an amazing time. Always a favorite event of ours. Always great memories laughs and amazing stories. 

I laughed at night and said hey we didn’t eat dinner. Instead we then went out and danced all the calories we ate. Was a night not to forget. 

Happy Sunday Sunshine

Be your own Ray....of Sunshine ☀️ Happy Sunday Funday. 

If we all just stopped to see how the sky lite up from
sun and listened how the birds chirped and realize how time flies and things change. You may just may be a little happier today. You may cherish the day. You may say I love you more or I miss you or I appreciate you. 

Getting Your Groove Back...’s just the beginning of the new adventure. 

Feels good to get your groove back. Groove of happiness. Groove of adventure. Groove of new opportunities. Groove of fun. 

I hope you focus on getting yours back too. 

Does It Ever Make Sense?

Sometimes it just has to make your heart happy. Why haven’t we focused on that more in our life? When we focus on logic instead of what makes our soul feel alive. Be alive! Forget logic. 