We All Have A Past...

Our past actually made us who we are today. Yeah we have “demons” to overcome. We have some insecurities or fears. We have some pain or anger. But honestly end of day everyone just wants to be happy and loved. Learn what triggers someone and help them over come it. Help them be better. Love them how they need to be loved. 

Not The Type Of Love You Need or Wanted

She was loved by many but it wasn’t the type of love she needed or wanted. It’s ok to come to terms with this too. To understand people care about you and you care about them but it’s not the type of situation you need in your life. When you come to terms with truths it’s easy to move on in life. Come to terms with your truths too. 

Be At Peace Within....

Be happy.... Love it. Embrace it. No one knows what you have been through and that’s ok. It’s your journey. Not theirs. But do take control of your life. Always. 

Are You At Peace?

If yes then you made the right decision.  

It Was Never About Attention

It’s about respect. About looking at someone who values you and they having value in your life. Once respect is gone nothing else matters. It all goes down hill. Once you are disrespected, one minute so important to someone and next not important at all well that’s when you say your goodbyes. When you realize you have so much more to give and get from someone who values you verse the person who doesn’t.