Monday, September 16, 2019

Attract Good...Always

If it feels good and brings out the best in you then welcome it! 💗

Take These Lessons Turn Them Into Something Good

I was triggered. I saw an event a friend was going to and I was triggered. I said to myself you no longer have to feel this way. You are in control of you. You don’t have to feel pain because of what someone else chooses to do with their life that doesn’t involve you. Love someone else. Give someone else your energy and time. Give them the best of you. You’re worth so much more than this. 

I changed. I no longer let pain have power over me. 

See how amazing that feels to say. 💜

Life Doesn’t Have To Be Tricky!

The beauty of life is knowing no matter what you always have a chance to make things right or better or exciting or good. It’s all in your actions and what you want. You have control over your life. If you want something you can have it. If you want to change something you can change it. No excuses. It’s on you. 

September 16th Don’t Resist Change

Let go of anything that didn’t make you feel your best and embrace the new opportunities you have in your life. 

She didn’t want to go back to how she was or how she felt or to what she thought she wanted because it was just not meant for her so she embraced change and amazing little opportunities started to happen. Fun. Good. Happy. Things. All attracted to her. 

Everything always works out 💚

People Are On Your Side Even If You Can’t See Them

Believe that there’s a powerful force helping you achieve what you’re meant to achieve. Attracting you to love people you’re meant to love. Creating a life you’re meant to live. 💜

Good Vibe Happy People

Life is too short to be upset or stressed or jealous or mad. Surround yourself with people who bring out your happy side, creativity, love of life. Those people make everyday more enjoyable.