Friday, September 27, 2019

What If You Knew How Your Story Ends

We don’t. We never know. We can guess. We can assume. But look back on your life. Did you ever picture it to be the way it is now. 

What regrets do you have? What would you do differently? Whatever those are fix them. You have time to be whatever you need. To love whomever you want to love, to heal from any pain you may have felt. 

Feel Good Song: Waste

Heard this tonight and it hit me hard. Brought back a lot of memories and made me smile. Words still mean a lot. Simple. Fun. Goals in life. 

Projecting...Focus On Healing

I hear this word a lot. It’s something we have to learn to work on. Projecting our pain or fear or anger on to someone else is not ok. 

It’s not fair but it happens. We make mistakes and guess what it’s ok. Apologize and learn from it but don’t repeat it. Don’t repeat mistakes. Love and be happy. 

I have a couple of people in my life where anger is projected on to them from their significant others and it’s awful. I remember feeling like that and even though they apologize the scars are still there. 

We need to learn to not use force or be angry. We need to learn to talk about what we are feeling. Peacefully 

Say What You Need To Say

Don’t be afraid to say what you need or feel. Don’t ever be afraid to say what’s in your heart or apologize when you’re wrong. 

Tomorrow isn’t given. We have this one life. This one chance. Who are you going to spend your time with. What are you going to spend your time doing. 

Trust It....

Even when you fight it or when it doesn’t make complete sense you have to just go with it. Know that it’s a part of your journey. 

Don’t Worry It Will Happen

We need love and affection and personal touch. We yearn for the desire to feel wanted and needed. Loving the wrong person proves you have so much to give to the right one. It doesn’t mean you give up on love. It means you believe that love is out there and the right one hasn’t found you yet.