Thursday, October 10, 2019

Colony Grill...Pig Salad Please

My friend calls this the “can’t decide on what I want pizza” which is true. I ordered a half bacon and a half sausage and peppers. Amazing. I love this place. I don’t go too often but it’s so good. So then my friend orders their pizza. Pig salad please. Um what? I was like did you ask for a pig salad? 


Wanna guess what that is?

It’s a bacon pizza topped with salad. I never heard of that but makes sense. It looked delicious and I learned something new. 

If you haven’t been to Colony Grill you have to go. 

You ARE In Control

For so long I thought others where in control until I realized every time I was around them or spoke to them my mood shifted. Insecurity set it. Their words replayed in my head. I was short temper. Hurt. Sad. 

And then I said to myself STOP!

You don’t have to give your attention to people who don’t deserve it. Carry on! ❤️

Westport Fall Festival Oct 12th and 13th

Westport Main Street will present the Fall Festival at Westport Park on Saturday, October 12th, from 11:00 AM – 8:00 PM. There will be Food Trucks & Vendors, Live Music, Family Fun & Games (Free Bingo), Baby Show, Inflatables & Bounce House, Live Animals, Bakery, a Parade, and a Halloween Costume Contest.  

Learn More Here:

No This Time I Thank You

I used to get ready to go out and feel sad and down. I didn’t want to meet new people. I didn’t want to start the cycle all over. So in my head I had doubts. I had pain. I wanted my life to be the way it had been beginning this year. 

And then it all changed. 

I was grateful my life changed. I was happy. I looked at my past situation and said lesson learned moved on. Every time I went out I said Thank You in my head.  

Once you fully end things with someone is when you can fully heal and move on. It’s awful at first. Sad. Lonely. But let me tell you when you start to love yourself and know your worth the whole game changes. The whole GAME is in YOUR control. No one else’s. 

Thank people for leaving your life. It’s the best thing for you in the long run!

Enjoy The Process...I Mean Your Process spot on. What this year taught me was to remember to love yourself. To be happy in your skin. To not tolerate any behavior you wouldn’t let a girlfriend tolerate. To know that when one door closes a hundred more open. It’s magical. Life. Really is an amazing journey. 

Stuff happens along the way. Pain. Suffering. Heartache. But then it gets easier and you smile more. You look happier. You feel happier. You attract happiness. You attract HAPPINESS. 

Enjoy YOUR Process!