Feel Good Song: Tin Man


Nothing in life is simple. Just trust the process. 

The Little Things...

This morning’s car art courtesy of my kids ❤️ I walked up to my car and laughed. They totally get me. 

Feel Good Song: Tear In My Heart

Heard this on the radio this morning. ❤️

Thursday Vibes...It’s Ok

It’s been a weird week. Where my intuition has been spot on. When I thought of someone. Then they reached out and I woke up to my phone suggesting a photo memory of an event we attended in February and I smiled and said it’s ok. 

It’s ok to have people in your heart and mind but not your life. It’s ok to miss someone. We all think we need a bad or civil agreed ending. Some times things don’t fully end. Sometimes time just passes and we move on with life..slowly. But regardless it’s ok to have memories. It’s ok to have good or bad days. It’s ok to love someone even after they have hurt you or things didn’t end up the way you wanted. 

Coming from a long marriage I had a lot to learn. After dating and meeting someone who I cared a lot about I had a lot to learn. Even now I am learning. But I do know I rather have civil endings to situations than hurtful angry ones. I don’t want to carry anger in my heart for anyone nor want them to have it in their heart for me. 

You can love as many people as you want. You can have people come in and out just as long as you know that some things remain in the past and some cannot be a part of your future. You can start again and still carry memories with others with you. Things don’t always come to a complete end and I am happy accepting that verse knowing something has ended forever. 

Touch a Truck Event October 26th

I love these events!! So much for the kids and even adults.