Sunday, November 10, 2019

Our Minds Are Very Powerful

Think it. Believe it. Achieve it. 

Do You Have Your Face On?

I was getting ready early for another business trip and pulled out my makeup and looked down. There are days I don’t put “my face” on. But it made me think about what we go through to have beauty. To cover some wrinkles or tiredness in our face. Maybe we don’t need to always “put our face on” maybe we should keep things in our life simple and pure. 

After all we are teaching our kids early on to look different than what we are suppose to look like. That with beauty comes pain. Kind of awful when you think about it. 

Maybe we put our face on for ourselves. To add a little color or life to us. Maybe we shouldn’t aim to do it for others. It’s ok to not always have “your face on”. Smiling sometimes should just be enough. 

We All Go Through Stuff In Life

I don’t care if you’re rich or poor or skinny or overweight or what your age is or nationality or religion... we all go through things in life. Some things are bigger than others but we all have had pain or doubt or been in our heads a little too much. 

Our journey is our journey. We learn along the way. People may come along and make it harder for
us or easier. Choose the easier route. 

Choose to help other along the way even when you have your own doubt and pain and issues.