Change...Stop or Start...Today!

Do it today. Like now. Start doing something positive or stop doing something negative. Regardless this all boils down to you. It’s your life. You can’t blame anyone anymore for things that aren’t right. Take ownership. 

I must say everyday I try to fall in love with myself. My flaws. My good intentions. My body. My mind. It’s not easy. It takes everyday work and encouragement. But no one can ever love you like you. Remember that. 

Be There For People Like You Needed For You

This post brought back flashbacks. The best people were those who came to help so you could heal and rest. Even if it was a short visit it made a difference. I would say I am going to nap or shower when company came. Not because I didn’t want to be with them but because I need a break. A time out. I needed a short time to heal from my c-sections and take care of me so I could be a better Mother. 

Taking a break and time out isn’t being selfish. We are taught we must do it all and smile. I call bs. I say we deserve a break and time to take care of ourselves as well. How else can we give our all if we don’t allow us to have a break to regain our energy. We need to stop burning out. 

In 2013 I had my second child. A month later my thyroid out. Three months later my RAI treatment for cancer and Three months after that I got pregnant with my third child. 

My body was a mess. I had people coming in and out of my house helping me. I am forever grateful for those people. For the meals they cooked and brought me and my family and for the help they gave me. For helping me heal and recover. 

Be sure to help people when they need it and be sure to ask for help when you need it. We always act like supermoms well sometime moms need a break and help. That’s ok too!

Basso Cafe Lunch Fun in Norwalk

My sister missed me and what can I say I missed her too so we decided to grab lunch together to catchup on life and of course my work Trip. 

I love this place. Presentation is always so beautiful and the flavors are amazing. We order hummus with yucca chips. Delicious. The chips were so crunchy. The hummus was packed with flavors. Then we got the mushroom and goat cheese flat bread. The bread was grilled. So tasty and had a bit of a Smokey flavor. The balance of goat cheese and mushrooms with balsamic was the perfect combo. 

My sister ordered their chicken salad with arepa and I got the wrap. These portions were huge and delicious. I loved the salad. Refreshing and the balsamic dressing was just enough. 

The chef is very creative and every meal is packed with awesome flavors. Be sure to check it out.