Sunday, November 24, 2019

Thanksgiving and Parenting Humor

Luckily I go to my Aunt’s house for Thanksgiving and don’t cook. Everyone brings a dessert. My mom brings the turkeys cooked and ready to go. 

I love Thanksgiving. It’s a great holiday. Family and friends get together and you eat. No pressure for gifts. Just good company. Good food. Laughs. Cozy weather. Full bellies. 

I hope as you prepare for this week you give Thanks for all you have. All the great people in your life. The beauty that life has given you. 

I am Thankful for all my readers. All my family and friends and loved ones. Thankful for never really ever being alone or having to face anything alone. 


Saw this and it made me think. As you can tell food is a part of my life. I love trying new restaurants. New food. Different cultures. Food is an emotional experience. We bond over food. Love over food. Talk over food. 

Ok maybe I need to find a new source of fulfillment but when we are good to our bodies. We are good to our mind and soul. Take care of yourself. 

Happy Sunday

Happy Sunday to all the nice hearts I have in my life. Thanks for making my heart happy too. 
