
Slow down. Just enjoy the process. We get inpatient and well when that happens we overthink and hurt ourselves or get disappointed. Relax. Don’t rush things. It’s all meant to happen if it’s meant to happen. 

Heal Within

When our mentality isn’t right we tend to neglect our bodies. Think about it. When we over indulge in little life’s pleasure usually means we are fulfilling a void or a need within....mentally. Which costs us to hurt our bodies. Whether we smoke, eat bad, drink or people
who take pills or do drugs. 

It may take the edge off or help us not deal with certain issues or situations. It masks it. It may “relax” us or help us cope. It may be a distraction from our “reality” Bottom line it’s causing harm to our bodies. What we think it’s fixing is actually doing the opposite. 

I have noticed while using My fitness pal to track my exercise and diet that I consume an abundance of Vitamin A and C.  Mostly from eating peppers and kale twice a day. I noticed my body healing. Feeling amazing. 

When I was overwhelmed this week I didn’t go to the store to get these items. My mood shifted. I didn’t feel right. I was crabby and short tempered. When I went back to my diet or healthy eating style it shifted back again. 

Now I am not saying it could be it. I am saying our bodies and mind control us. But they must be aligned. We must have a healthy mind to have a healthy body. These vices mask and cause damage. We can heal ourselves if we treat our bodies correctly.  We must heal our minds to have healthy bodies. You always see signs that say you can eat right and exercise but if your mind isn’t right then you are actually causing a lot of damage. 

Be good to yourself. Your mind and body. 

Julbord Festival This Saturday

Holiday activities and events taking place this Saturday at IKEA. 

Learn more here