Fun at Denver International

When you have time to spare before your flight you go for a walk at the airport. I love when I see something out of the norm. 

You don’t normally see tornado shelters in an airport. I also love this kiosk “Be Good To People.”

Love it!!

Colorado is such a fun, chill town. This shirt totally represents it’s vibe. The weird thing about Colorado is that it makes me the most chill and relaxed yet it’s the most traveling I have done. Takes a long time to get there plus an extra 2-2 1/2 hr drive to the mountains from the airport. But for some reason it’s the least stressful. Not sure if it’s the mountains or chill atmosphere. Not sure if it’s the client I am meeting. Just one of my favorite trips. Everyone is so nice and everyplace is so clean. 

The airport even had a ton of fun spots to check out. 

Donation station for Denver’s Road House where they help end homelessness. 

Cherish The Memories

What a year it’s been. A roller coaster ride yet so much fun. Great memories. Great times. Even with people who aren’t in my life anymore I still thank them for the memories this past year. I met so many amazing people. Created great memories with my kids and families and I traveled so much for work more than I ever imagined. Was work but so much fun too. 

Memories are meant to be cherished. Even the painful ones teach you something. Laugh and cry remembering them all. Nothing is a waste even when it hurts it helps build who you are. Grateful for everyone who loved me and helped me this year. Grateful for the lessons and amazing memories. 

Forget The Holiday Blues

Maybe some aren’t so merry around this time of year. If you have the holiday blues try doing one of these little tips to help boost your mood. 

I personally think Christmas music and seeing lights helps a ton. Look for the magic in your day even if it’s something so small. Life can be good. 

Happy 1st Day Of Winter

No place I rather be on the 1st day of Winter! Colorado morning walks have been amazing. The views make you feel like you’re closer to

Dashing Through The Snow In A....

The mountain lodge had sleigh rides. You rode in a red sleigh led by two 2,000lb horses that were 6ft tall. They were huge. About 10 people fit on the sleigh. It was led by two cowboys. 

We went around the trails that lead to a bonfire. 

It was really cool. They handed out hot chocolate. On the way back it hit me. What a magical awesome life. 

The snow trails reminded me of a Disney movie. So magical. I mean when would be the next time I am in the Colorado mountains being on a sleigh ride with horses overlooking the sunset and amazing sky?! I totally embraced the moment. 

The ranch was a 15 minute walk to and from the cabin. On the way the sunset was incredible. 

Life is pretty amazing 💗