Wednesday, December 25, 2019

It’s All About Alignment

I always joke I will meet the love of my life on a Tuesday night at 7:00 pm at the grocery store. Hey you never know. We align with people for a reason. Whether it lasts or not there is a reason the universe connects you to people. 

Christmas Morning Magic

We get up too early but then again it’s ok so we aren’t rushing. They take their time with gifts and after assembling and cleaning up we make breakfast. This time green and red pancakes while I blast Christmas music in the background. They then play some more while they wait for their dad. The place is a mess. Total mess but I don’t care. It’s not about that. It’s about them. Their happiness. Us being together. Love and joy and peace. I just want peace and fought a really long time to have it. Nothing. Nothing is better than that.  

Would I change anything...nope. It’s my life. No one else has to agree with it or like it. Live your life the same way. 

Merry Christmas Everyone. May your heart be full today and everyday ❤️🎄

It’s A Magical Time Of Year

It can be complete chaos. But it’s not. It’s actually really magical. We eat a ton and then all gather by the tree. My mom and sister hand out gifts. At first it’s calm and before you know it an hour has passed and kids are smiling and laughing and you don’t even know who got what BUT it’s amazing. Beautiful. 

The kids smile and their eyes twinkle. They look amazed at all their gifts. So happy and at peace yet so excited too. It’s a long night yet flies by. It’s about your heart filling with love. Overly loved. Pretty awesome I must say. 

Merry Christmas!!!

Grateful for them and everyone in my life. ❤️