Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Accept Change

Don’t stay comfortable. Don’t stay because you’re afraid of change. Don’t stay in a situation because you’re used to it. If you don’t wake up everyday and say wow my life is amazing. Then change. 

I was a stay at home mom. If you look at my posts form years ago I was this homemaker. Arts and Crafts. I am not who I was. I still love that stuff but I went through a dark period. We all have. At one point or another. I now am living my best life and hope every year I change to be better. To say nah this year is better than last and so on. 

You can’t stay the same. You have to constantly work on changing yourself and bettering your situation and life. You can’t get lazy and comfortable. You can’t settle. 

Welcome change. Embrace it. Be a new version of you every time you choose.  

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