Sunday, January 12, 2020

Are We Aligned?

Think of all past relationship and lost connections and friendships that got stale in time. Why? Why did that happen?


When two people don’t have the same intentions arguments happen or you make space or you go your own way. 

Intentions have to be discussed and aligned and then met. I can say it over and over my stories. My side. My views. My pain. But it won’t change what happened. It won’t change the fact that certain people aren’t in my life because we weren’t aligned. It caused arguments and pain or just resulting in us going our own way. Lost contact and pain in our hearts. 

Intentions have to be met. You have to have good communication and know what people are is what you will get. 

I had a friend who always would say but I told you the truth. Yeah you did but in time emotions change. You enjoy a person or they become a part of routine. After a year of so it was a wake up call to me. I couldn’t go down the same paths in the past. I needed a change. I knew cutting ties would hurt but no way were we ever aligned.  Best thing to happen was me realizing this. I could have went another year or two and all it did was set me back emotionally. 

You must be aligned. You must also accept your truths. You must never toy with someone’s emotions. You must respect yourself and the people in your life. 

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