Sunday, January 5, 2020

Become Aware

Last 10 years was change. Next 10 years is growth. It starts with being aware. Aware with the good and bad. The changes you have to make. Spiritual awakening is good to heal the soul and to achieve growth. We all can do it. Clear your mind. 

You need to own some stuff. Your triggers. Your insecurities. And doing it solo can be tough but it’s also ok because you’re not influenced by anyone. You’re really looking within to deal with some unresolved issues. You’re aligning with your true self and true beliefs. 

The amazing thing about this process is that you are calm through it which means you’re content and doing the right thing. You’re at peace with the fact that you’re learning, changing and growing. You’re happy. You’re unburying pain and situations to heal so you can fully be happy and let someone in.  There’s no space for it yet. In time. 

It’s a beautiful thing. 

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