Monday, January 13, 2020

Change Your Perspective

This is important. We don’t change. We are the same people. How we handle situations change. You can look at me and see the same person a year ago. Well she’s not the same interms of what she thought was love or what she wanted and needed a year ago is completely different than what she needs today. 

Same is for you. 

As I wrote this I had a flash back and a pain in me. It’s ok to know things change. Just you know they can’t go back to the way it was. 

Look at life for what it is. Reality. Real. I love living in a fairy land. Fantasy that all is good. Unfortunately it got tarnished along the way. 

I am trying to bring myself back. To believe in things. But first I need to face realities of life. It’s actually been good for me. 

Change your perspective. It enables you to be sympathetic. Have empathy. Understand why people do what they do. Understand why people treated you like they did. 

Our job in life isn’t to hurt eachother. It’s to bring out the best in us. To share love and guidance. You need to not be naive. I was. I was for a long time. Not anymore. Now it’s about healing and growing and being the best version. You need to be your best version too. 

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