Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Find Your People

Find the person or people who make you excited about life. Excited for the next day. Things to look forward to. Embrace your journey and be grateful. 

I never understood why people would have people
in their life that promotes self doubt or didn’t love them like they needed to be loved. Funny writing that. I had to pause. I loved plenty of people who didn’t love me like I needed to be loved. I always felt like being with them was like Christmas morning. Yet their reaction was minimal. Little things made me happy and they mocked it. Like “J anything makes you happy”. It’s true. Little things make me more happy than big things. 

I changed. I got out of all those situations. But now. At my age. I only want to be around people who make
Me feel alive and look forward to tomorrow. Please do the same! And please do find joys in little things in life. Why not spark the magic in you. 💗

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