Friday, January 3, 2020

Healthy Mind Healthy Body Healthy Life

This is really important. When you love yourself and are at peace with yourself you don’t abuse substances or do anything to sabotage your health to cope. You don’t need to cope. You’re at peace and a happy place in life. When you need a distraction or a coping mechanism you’re covering up inner pain or need a distraction from your reality life. 

Please fix your reality. Please look within. I have seen substance abuse. I have seen alcohol abuse. I have seen people turn to other forms to cover inner pain. Having an affair. Food. Drugs. Staying in unhealthy relationships. What they don’t realize is the answers are simple. Stop masking pain and deal with it. Heal and be healthy and then you can be truly happy. 

It’s a work in progress. I get it. But you owe it to yourself to give yourself the best possible life. You’re not alone in your journey. 

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