Friday, January 3, 2020

It’s Noodle Time

I was disappointed last time I came because I didn’t order the right dish. But this time...this time I did and ate the whole thing...shhh don’t tell anyone. 

I texted a friend to remind me which one to get and thank goodness I did because it was so amazing. 
The Shoyu Paitan with corn add on is the best one!

My daughter and I were deciding where to eat. I said I can’t decide where to go she said I know you love so many places. It was true I do. I started to laugh because a friend would always say that to me. You’re happy no matter where you go. It’s true.  So instead I had to think about where she would enjoy eating and remembered she loved Mecha. Omg lets go to Mecha I said she’s like YES!

She’s like a little adult now it’s so fun. 

Her noddle was broth and noodle but she did try my favorite dishes.  She even ordered a mango boba and it was pretty darn good. It tastes like a pina colada without liquor. 

This is a bubble tea or sweet drink that is combined with Milk. The pearls are made out of tapioca. They get sucked up through the straw so she asked for a smaller one and we couldn’t stop laughing. 

It still got stuck on the smaller straw. The pearls tasted like fig and are gummy like candy. 

Always a great time out. 

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