Wednesday, January 8, 2020

It’s Ok To Let Go

Ever hold on to a situation so much that it sort of became toxic for you? I swear it started to happen. It was bringing out a lot of insecurities I had until I sort lost it on a friend and said I am done. 

Maybe my expectations weren’t being met. Maybe I thought deep down things would change and they didn’t and that frustrated me. I wasn’t being good for that person either while they weren’t being good for me. 

Regardless no one should bring out that side of you. Every time I thought about reaching out I stopped myself. Peace was so much better than the dysfunctional friendship we had. 

Power is when you stop yourself. When you say no. I can’t go back unless we are both are willing to change. Willing to change enough to be good for eachother. We didn’t owe anything to one another just enjoyed each others time. When that stopped. When that changed. That’s when you say ok enjoy your life. Wish you well no hard feelings. If you don’t you damage one another. No one wants that You don’t have peace. You have constant turmoil. No one wants to have that in their heart. If things couldn’t change then this problems would reoccur over and over. 

It’s like relationships. If you can’t be good to eachother get out of it. Once you don’t feel it in your heart and soul you have to let it go. 

No one says suffering is part of the equation when loving someone. Arguments and disagreements happen but when you aren’t happy at your core it’s time to make changes or to get out. Why just get by in life...For what? Who wins? Who benefits? 

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