Sunday, January 19, 2020

It’s Ok...Do Better Tomorrow

This post says a lot. I don’t think it’s so much to do with babies but definitely as kids grow and our responsibilities grow and change parenting gets really tough. Luckily I never experienced postpartum but it’s real. It happens. I will say while I was going through marital problems it was hard to keep a routine. To stay happy and calm. To not be short tempered. I always saw posts that say “ I had to keep it together infront of my kids while I was falling apart inside”. 

It’s true it’s the reality. 

Now luckily I am at a happy place I never wanted my kids to feel my sadness or tensions or concerns. I didn’t know how I would be single and manage a household and job and kids etc...

Regardless if you’re married or single or whatever you need to understand it’s ok. You will have days that you wish you could do better. Be better. Then there’s days you are a rockstar. It’s about balance. Don’t be hard on yourself. We’re all trying our best. Regardless your kids love you and they know you love them too. 

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