Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Let’s Sweat It Out

The gym! The endorphins do wonders for me. They really do. I had to go. I needed to go back into my routine. It made me feel stronger. It’s a great step for taking care of you. I have been going since my trip to Miami. I love my gym. It’s important to find a place you’re comfortable going to.  

This morning when we did our list of things to work on this year my middle one said mom you need to run around the house more. I laughed. That used to be my workout. I said how many days should I go to the gym. They said everyday. I settled for 5. 

I have a free session Saturday with a trainer to show me some routines. All steps in the right direction. Last May I gave up a nasty habit that wasn’t good for my health but it was my “out”. It helped me “cope”. We all have something. Since then I had to learn how to eat again and not look to food as comfort. I am
Italian. Food is love. It still can be when you’re being healthy you just have to make better choices. 

Adding gym helps too. Everyone should really workout. Not to be skinny but to be healthy. Do something for your body that it will later thank you for!

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