Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Never Believe Other’s Opinions

This is so destructive and not necessary. No one has the right to judge you or to make you feel a certain way about yourself. I love the quote that says “it’s none of my business what you think of me”. 

It’s funny how the channel of communications can distort peoples views and opinions. I had a friend once say something in regards to my post. I laughed because honestly if you take the time to read my blog you don’t judge. You come to get inspired not criticize. If you judge me then please don’t read them. It’s not like social media where I pop up. But it had me thinking when I saw this post. I never really cared what people thought of me because when I did I had to defend myself and who the hell wants to do that? I don’t compete and I don’t defend. I like being oblivious to what people think of me. Because I don’t care. 

Our perspective changes. It’s influenced by others. What others say. How people react. Let that all go. 

In my whole life I never was brought up to be jealous or envious of others. I was taught to root for eachother. Encourage success and achievements to those around me. I never ever had to compete or be jealous. 

You’re opinion of me doesn’t matter. You shouldn’t care of people’s opinions of you either. Rock on!

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