Thursday, January 9, 2020

Own It

We all make mistakes. We all need a cooling off period. It’s ok to apologize. It’s ok to mess up. It’s normal. What’s not ok is not giving someone you care about the opportunity to make things right. That is where you lose the opportunity to have someone in your life. 

We must be aware of what happens in us. I have had my share of words out of anger just like you have. There’s been situations I wish I could change and was dealt with without a say in things going in my favor. I have apologized or reach out to make things better. 

I saw a post it said we all are going to die one day. Which is true. We are. What do you want to be remembered for? Who do you want to have by your side? Will your name be recognized 100 years from

Let’s stop pushing ourselves to the edge. Let’s love eachother and cherish what life has to offer. Apologize when you’re wrong. Accept forgiveness when someone has the courage to approach you when things got off course. Start over as many times as you need to. 

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