Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Silence The Mind & Release Old Pain

I had a vision. A vision of what this year’s goal would be. Have you had a vision? Have you ever pictured yourself doing something. Like an out of body experience?

2019 was a bit toxic. Toxic situations. Yet also rewarding. A ton of amazing happy adventurous experiences. A base of what my life could be like. I started to look within to see why I reacted to certain situations. That was in 2019. 

2020 is the fun part. Healing and becoming one with myself. My true self. I never would settle like I did. I was shocked I stayed in situations that didn’t do me justice or make my soul happy. That made me question myself. Self doubt is nothing anyone should make you feel. 

Not this time. This time it’s about rebirthing. It’s about healing and being at true peace. Even if it means doing it alone. Which reality we are never alone. But doing it without some people we had in our life before. 

Self confidence is built when you love your true self. When you can handle situations differently than you once did. 

I believe everyday is a chance to restart. But the New Year that’s a chance to erase all past mistakes and say hey not this year. This year will be different. 

I will take you along on my journey which I am super excited about. 2019 journey is over. I thanked those who were a part of it and I set them free. This new journey is very exciting. It’s about spiritual growth and acceptance. 

Please take this time to create your vision of your true self too. We are always different versions of ourselves. We are never the same.  Aim to be your best version and enjoy this new journey with me. 

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