Monday, January 27, 2020

Taking it Back...The Real Way To Eat Dulce De Leche

I couldn’t find the wafers so I had to order them online. When they came in I was so excited. It was the real authentic wafers. My childhood rushed back to me. 

I remember hanging at my friends house who is Colombian and she would make us this. It’s my favorite. I would later buy it at Los Sopreso in Norwalk but haven’t seen it there in years. 

You spread the dulce de leche on the other side which is smooth. 

I can’t wait for my kids to try it. They already love the little cups I gave them. Which come with cute little spoon  I even brought one to a friend of mine who is Colombian and he couldn’t believe it. He used to eat the little cups as a kid. I gave him a couple to have his dad try too. He was so happy. 

When you go through the stages and layers of healing and finding yourself you like to reconnect to things in your past that bring up happy memories. This is one of them for me. I hope you too enjoy the little joys in life. 

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