Monday, January 13, 2020

The Feeling Of Being Ignored

This is a subject I wanted to touch base on because it triggers me when I am ignored. 

When you look within to fix yourself you try to analyze your triggers. 

I messaged a friend the other day to check on him. He’s in the military and with the world events I thought of him. Two days later he messaged back. I didn’t get upset. I figured he was busy. He was. He just got back from a mission and had a weekend before heading out again. I wasn’t mad. He apologized and was attentive until he left again. Weird thing is he had a procedure done and while I was nervous about his line to work he was already recovering from a procedure he had. Nothing major but still strange my intuition picked up on it. 

As for going a couple days not hearing from him in past I would be Concerned.  Worried about him. I do worry. I do care. He’s fighting for our country and saving lives. Why wouldn’t I worry. But it didn’t bother me he didn’t jump to respond this time.  I get it. We get busy. Am I a priority to him? Nah. Is he to me. Probably not either. But I thought of him and wanted him to know. 

What I realized was every time I felt ignored or not responded in the past I didn’t feel important to the person. Silly I get it. But I now know not to let it bother me. That it’s ok. If someone ignores you don’t worry about it. Most of the time, we know why. When we don’t, give it time. 

The whole point is to not react. To remain calm in every situation. To not be insecure. To know yes words unsaid do say a lot. But don’t lose sleep over it.  Those who care about you make an effort to show it. You can’t make someone care. 

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