Thursday, January 23, 2020

The Spiritual Journey Is About Honoring Your True Self

What’s your true self? Do you even know. 

We get caught up on life that we lose ourselves along the way. We just ride through life. Just another day. No. That’s not life. 

Take a step back. Look within at your true self. Your core. I know mine. She’s free. A free spirit. She’s happy and flowing and doesn’t let little life problems get to her. Am I her...I want to be. Noise and situations occur constantly to block her from coming out. It’s my job to work through them so she can come out. 

What about yours? What’s blocking your true self? 

The spiritual journey is being at peace with yourself. Not blaming others. You control your own life. You have control over how you react to situations. 

The best thing to happen to me was to be alone. I am happy in my own company. You have to be. Then maybe one day you can make room for someone else but for now seek peace and work on it. Enjoy your time. 

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