Friday, January 24, 2020

We Give Back What We Get

This can be interpreted however you like. I look at it as the this phrase “do good but don’t expect good to come back to you from that same person you were good to.” Meaning if I do good to one person that person may not return the favor or gestures. But someone else will. So that’s why we do good and help people and love because someone is giving it back to us but we get upset because we expect the person we are giving it to will give it back to us. That’s not the case. 

It’s repaying the favor because you want to not necessarily to the person who gave you a favor or helped you. 

I have seen it over and over. Example I care for my kids when they are sick. I don’t expect them to care for me but someone else will. 

Another example giving your love and guidance and help to someone thinking it will make your relationship better but they turn around and use that advice and help nourish another one of their relationships. 

It’s a cycle. Karma comes back to you in a different way and form. 

Just believe doing good and helping and healing and guiding people means you will get that back too one day from someone. ❤️

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