Tuesday, January 14, 2020

We Need Eachother

We need eachother. I can’t say it enough. I always had guy friends. I love a guys perspective. Men need girls who are friends. We help men too. 

So a group of us have been hanging and I turn to my friend and say you need to start wearing more button downs. He had on a sweater. He’s like oh I have that one and a light one and so on. I said good wear it. 

This morning my friend texts me a picture of him. Wearing a button down.  It was like a proud mom
moment. He looked awesome. 

One simple little suggestion can change someone. Can help them make one adjustment. He was so cute in the picture. I was so proud of him. 

I think moments like this makes you realize God puts people in your life for a reason. Sometimes they stay. Sometimes they don’t but we do need eachother...at that moment. 

I seen a huge difference in him in only a week and feel it’s amazing. He told us he goes salsa dancing I have been wanting to go so badly for a year now. My eyes lite up. So we booked a night and he is taking us to the best salsa clubs. I can hardly wait. 

I always needed that person in my life at that time and showed appreciation. Regardless how friendships ended I needed them and to be honest they needed me too. 

This group is a fun feel good group and I love how we already are helping eachother. 

My life has changed over the years. People come and go. Friendships change and end. No one wants to see things come to an end even if it ends upset but do take the good memories and times with you. 

Just like you my readers.  You come to my site because somehow I help you and well you too help encourage me. So I thank you!

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