Wednesday, January 8, 2020

When You Want To Be Proved Wrong

When you align yourself you give people the benefit of the doubt. We should... right. We should look at people as if their intentions are true and pure. 

When a situation arises and people don’t change your views or make you think different about a situation at times you can feel defeated. You always want that Prince Charming to come riding on that horse to sweep you off your feet. I am afraid he may really only exist in fairytales ladies. 

I am afraid that men and women are more similar than we think. We say what we want and need and so do they. If they keep their distance it’s because they want to. When things end they really end. If you’re waiting for someone to change don’t hold your breath. I would love to be wrong but from my experience people rather stay the same then change even if that change will make them happy. 

We get caught up in remaining where we are afraid of the unknown. Crazy thing is the unknown never failed anyone. 

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