Tuesday, January 21, 2020

You Have Homework...

Name something you always wanted to do but never did. I said to my friends at dinner. We started talking about life and our struggles and path to happiness. I said let’s start small. Do something for yourself. Name one thing you want to do that you never did. 

So we went around the table and spoke. Ok I said now do it before our next dinner. You have a month to accomplish it. 

Can I tell you something. One thing stood out after everyone stated one thing they always wanted to do. They were glowing. Literally smiling and glowing. I said wow see how your mood just changed. It shifted. See how much happier you are. You just came alive.  

We aren’t here to hurt eachother we are here to guide eachother. To love eachother and help eachother. I am no sharma like my friend jokes. I am just like you. Lending an ear to help someone. Being able to say what’s wrong and how can we fix it. What will make you happy. How can we heal your pain and let go of stress. Let’s give you something to look forward to. 

I said ok we all have homework to do. 

I can’t wait to hear about their homework assignments when we get back together.  

Now I ask you readers. What’s the one thing you wanted to do but never did? Some answers were take a cake decorating class. Do kickboxing. Finish realtor exam. Me of course is that yoga spiritual retreat. 

Whatever your answer is I want you to accomplish it by February 20th. Get to work!

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