Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Ash Wednesday: Thank God...We Are Alive

I always liked the season of lent. Ash Wednesday and Easter. But then I got in a car accident. It was right before I got pregnant with my oldest. I won’t forget that day. A four car accident all because I skid going on the Merritt. I remember saying to myself get off the road just get off the road. My car was like a ping pong machine. I swear my guardian angels saved me. I got off the road and went straight towards a tree. The front grill of my pathfinder took the impact. I walked out of my car without a scratch. My car totaled I even bent a guard rail. It was a mess. A scary mess yet we all walked away fine. 

That night I went to church to pray. A little girl voice said thank god you’re alive. There were no little
Girls near me. It was my angel. Inner child. Whomever   But she was right. 

We all have these tests in life. Where we cheat death. That was one of mine. I walked into church today with my little crew and this time I was the one who said thank god I am alive. 

We are constantly getting second changes at life. Whether we realize it or not. Make it the best it can be. Be happy. Appreciate what people do for you. Respect those who love you. 

Be grateful to be alive. 

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