Sunday, February 2, 2020

Guava Jam Recipe

I had ripe guava and decided to make jam. I of course looked up a recipe and found this online video at the bottom. The results were delicious. The girls loved it and I am sure I can use this concept with any fruit. 

First you cut the fruit and top water on it.

Boil for 30 minutes. The kitchen smelled amazing. 

Then you drain it and strain it. 

You keep pushing it down with a spoon until you get a pulp like mixture. You want to try not to get a lot of seeds to come through. 

I added a cup of sugar. Turn it until it thickens on medium heat and they spread it on buttered toast for my kids. 

OMG! Delicious.  

Below is the YouTube video I googled to make it. I didn’t have lime so instead add a pinch of salt. 

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