Sunday, February 16, 2020

Keep Growing & Changing

I wouldn’t even recognize the girl I was three years ago. But here’s a funny story. 

A guy I was seeing didn’t end things so well. Just kindof stopped. Very confusing. He later reached out to me around the holidays but was short and I wondered why even bother. 

So I run into him over the weekend. He immediately kisses me on the cheek and asks how I am. I say good and walk away. I am short. 

I later wonder how he was so quick to say something to me yet he never reached out prior to this weekend again. So I changed and realized I had blocked him ever since his last brief text. 

Now I have no intentions of speaking to him. It was nice to see how quick he said hello. But blocking him
meant not having access to my energy. Even now he doesn’t. 

Don’t continue to make space for people who drop in and out. Also learn that lessons are lessons. Not to be repeated. To be learned and to carry on. 

Him being blocked meant even if he wanted to he couldn’t come back in. 

You aren’t who you were years ago. You’re better. Stronger. Happier. Brighter. More loving but smarter. Tougher yet graceful. 

Remember that when weak opportunities cross your path. 

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