Monday, March 30, 2020

Be Kind...Now More Than Ever

We are all living with some fear and stress and it’s now the time to be kind. To know we are all having our our doubt and struggle. 

Yesterday I went to the grocery store. It’s so surreal. Masks and gloves and you feel you’re all zombies. Scared of one another. They have x marks on the ground. Plastic bags are back now for free. It’s just a weird experiences. Cashiers have plastic shields infront of them.  

My cashier cleaned the surface. Screen. Credit card machine and changed her gloves. She said it was due to a spill but seriously I was super grateful for it. We spoke as she rang up my stuff. She told me when gets home she leaves her shoes outside. She changes and showers. Clothes go right in the wash. She said how everyone really has been extra kind. I loved hearing it. I thanked her for wiping the stuff down. Tipped her and left. As I tipped her she looked at me in shock. I said stay safe. 

I swear we are all getting by. We are all affected somehow. Just be good to one another. 

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