Tuesday, March 17, 2020

It’s Been Tough For All Of Us

We’re not even a week in. It’s been a tough situation. I almost hate all the hype and the what if’s and mights and maybes. I am more like give me the facts and then I will deal with it. Especially talk of schools maybe not going back until the Fall. I just feel it causes anxiety and chaos and all along little ears are listening. 

My middle one was acting up. I asked her if she was scared. She broke down crying and said yes. I get it I said. So we just hung out and I let her cry it out. 

It is scary. It’s hard to have the routine be off. It’s hard to hear about people getting sick and life basically coming to a halt and change. 

I know you feel it too. I know your family is overwhelmed like mine. I just say to try to be patient.  Try to be extra loving and try not to jump to conclusions without any facts. We are all living one day at a time. We are all in this together. We all need to be strong and supportive. 

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