Sunday, March 22, 2020

When Times Are Tough Try To Make Others Smile

The news is so overwhelming. The stories. Social media. Everything is filled with fear. It’s hard to stay positive. It’s not easy to be happy or laugh or smile. But I will tell you it helps distract the fear and worry. Laugh. Smile. Tell a joke. Watch a funny movie. 

A guy I have been seeing makes me smile.  He always calms me and makes my heart happy. He’s been in my life for a couple of years on and off and every time we get the opportunity we make each other laugh. He’s really good for my soul. I am actually really grateful for that. I am also grateful that after all this time he’s been there, right infront of me and well I never realized until a couple of months ago how good he is for me. 

I have a friend. She’s hysterical. She makes me laugh. She’s real and we are very similar. I am grateful for her. It’s hard not having her big heart filled hugs. It’s hard not being able to see eachother. But we still talk all the time and send eachother silly memes. 

My kids have been goofy this week and I encourage it. I encourage laughter. Because they too are having a hard time and laughter keeps us young. 

My parents. I try really hard to be happy around them. To discuss funny stories and situations. We crack up. We joke around. It lightens up the situation we are in. 

I have always been the silly one in the group of friends and family. I continue to mass text my crew with funny memes. Even if for one moment it makes them smile then it is worth it. 

All these things distract us. They help shift our mind. Our mood. Our fear. Our worries. Even if it’s short lived. 

Do it today. Make someone smile. Laugh. Tell a joke. Be silly together. Let’s all try to help eachother get through this situation. 

I hope you and your family and friends and loved ones stay safe and healthy. ❤️

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