Sunday, April 5, 2020

Not Your Typical Palm Sunday

It’s Palm Sunday. One of my favorite holidays and due to the virus it started as just a typical Sunday. I wanted to make lunch a little special so I stopped at our favorite bakery and picked up croissants and monkey bread from Wave Hill Bakery in Norwalk. 

It’s great with ordering. You order ahead and use a card to pay. Then you go to the door and they hand you the order. Super easy and delicious. 

It’s not the Season of lent without Strufoli so I stopped by Angelia Mia for one. It’s nothing like the homemade one we are used to making but at least it sort of felt like Palm Sunday. 

I stopped by a friends this morning to do some distancing walking and she handed me a Palm that her mom had. 

It made my day. 

After I picked up my kids and we stopped by the cemetery to see my Grandparents. Every year I visit them on Palm Sunday. I normally bring them a Palm Cross but since I wasn’t recently at the store I couldn’t get one but I was happy to see my mom had brought them one. 

So many of the holidays aren’t the same lately. Maybe Palm Sunday and Easter seem different due to lack of family and traditional meals being made BUT you can still add some little touches to you day to make it special. Add your own traditional twists to your days. 

I can’t wait for next year when we look back and say remember last year when we...

Happy Palm Sunday to you all! Don’t worry the best days of our lives are yet to come. 

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