Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Practice the Pause...Process To Have Healthy Discussions

We sometimes create our own problems and stress. We can over think or assume. We need to stop doing that. What if when a situation happened you paused. Stop. Really process something before reacting. 

Don’t you think a lot of arguments and disagreements could actually turn into health discussions! 

Healthy discussions. Where you’re able to speak your truth or fears or concerns without having to defend yourself. Where you can bring up something that bothered you or bothers you without it leading to a screaming match. 

This is an amazing thing if you’re able to do it. It’s on both people. To be able to have uncomfortable discussions in a healthy manner. Where you don’t feel judged or attacked. 

I love it. I love being able to have healthy discussions. Whether it’s with the guy I am seeing or a family member or my ex or my kids or friends. It’s when the discussions can’t be healthy that people internalize everything. 

Practice the pause and process. Aim to have healthy discussions. 

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