Friday, April 3, 2020

Yogi Tea Thanks For The Motivation

Yogi tea was my favorite tea to drink when I was recovering from my thyroid surgery. My throat hurt so much it was hard to breathe in air. I hated ice or anything cold. They suggested ice pops but it hurt so much. Anything hot helped soothe the irritation in my throat. I remember drinking hot water just to help heal in the hospital. The hotter the better. 

My sister bought me this type of tea when I got home from surgery. 

There’s something about this tea. It tingles and soothes. Throat comfort is what I used. It was my saving grace. I will never forget the comfort it gave me.   This time I bought lemon ginger. 

But it’s not the taste that makes this my favorite. It’s the hidden messages in every tea bag. 

Every time I had tea I got to enjoy an inspirational message they attached to each bag. It provided hope and inspiration and motivation.  

In times of pain or sorrow or doubt or fear every little positive gesture helps. 💛

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