Sunday, May 24, 2020

Let’s Really Look At The Situation

I hate to say this because it was a big painful experience but divorce teaches you a lot. Mostly it teaches you that if you can leave a marriage you really can do anything. You really never settle ever again. 

When you’re in a situation and are settling you have to take yourself out of the situation and really look at it dead on. For what it is. 

You then walk away when you realize you’re settling. You walk away because you remember how strong you were to walk away from a marriage that didn’t work.  
Why the hell would you settle now?!

You can’t fake it anymore. You can’t be ok with something when deep down it’s eating at you. You have to say this isn’t working for me and walk away. I did it once. I did it twice. I can do it again and that’s ok. Because this is YOUR life. Your fairy tale. There’s no settling. There’s pure happiness. If it’s not you walk away because you’re strong enough to. You walk away because you can’t pretend everything is ok anymore when it’s not. 

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