Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Your Healing Is Your Responsibility

We all carry some pain. Hidden down. Some of us do not even know it’s still there until something triggers it. It’s our job to heal. Unbury old wounds. When you do then just maybe then you can be at peace within. 

I still have a lot of work to do but this time it’s different in my life. I want to dig deep to really understand why I react the way I do. I have come a long way but we always should be working on ourselves. For ourselves. 

A lot people think by now you should be over situations that affected you. I don’t think there’s a time stamp. I think we all need to heal at our own pace. But the key word is heal. To really unbury pain and heal so you can have healthy relationships with yourself and other people. Where your scars can finally heal completely internally. 

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