Sunday, August 23, 2020

Change Your Mind & Your Life Will Change

It starts with the way you think. 

I once ran into someone and said to my mom see that’s the type of guy I want to end up with. She said well are you ready for that and I said no. 

I wasn’t. I really wasn’t. I was honest. The thought gave me anxiety. 

After my last breakup I said you know what I am ready to have a real relationship. I am ready to invest in someone. I am ready for a future with someone. I no longer want to play it safe with people who weren’t ready to invest in me. 

Two weeks later I met my someone. 

All my previous relationships I wasn’t ready. I wanted to be. But the people I chose weren’t right for me and I knew it. It was safe. It wasn’t risky. I knew we couldn’t end up being more. But then I became ready for more. I had to let go of any feelings I had for my past. 

Now I am planning my future with someone. It’s awesome. It’s exciting. There’s no fear. Just fun and happiness. 

A fresh start doesn’t mean a drastic change. It means changing your mindset. The way you think. It means saying I want my life to change and embracing those changes. 

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