Monday, September 28, 2020

It’s About Balance

A situation got brought up and I was speaking with my daughters. They asked what I did when I wasn’t with them. Mostly it’s catching up on work emails, cleaning and grocery shopping. I spend time with friends and my boyfriend. But I also volunteer and am on a bunch of committees. I am on some at our local hospital which now takes place on zoom conferences. I also am on a committee at the middle school and may join more. Why? 

Because it’s about balance. Helping others. It’s about having time to be serious and also have fun. 

Some nights I am alone. I literally put on my sweats and binge watch Netflix. I blog. I read a lot of books. 

It was a huge adjustment in the beginning as a single parent.Now that they are with me everyday it’s more like it used to be so mostly on the nights when they aren’t with me I just decompress. Literally rest my brain. Regroup for them to come back the next morning and for us to do it all over again. 

I get a 24hr break every other weekend from my girls. Mostly they are gone by dinner and back for breakfast the next morning. I try to get the most out of that short period of time. 

Some days are hard. Some days work is busy. Some days its so quiet. Some days I want to try out a new restaurant some days we stay in and I cook my heart out. Some days I love my task list some days it’s so overwhelming. It’s about balance. It’s about finding a system that works. But through it all be nice and kind and happy. Because everyday is unpredictable. 

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