Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Growth Is Painful... Healing Promotes Growth

When you dig deep you open wounds. It’s ok. 

I did some “emotional dumping” over the weekend. I kindof put it all out in the open. I was speaking and opened up about some old and fairly recent wounds and once I heard myself say them out loud it all made sense. It revealed why I may still have some insecurities and fears. The things that I didn’t think would still be painful were. Even when you’re happy and in a good situation you still have unresolved pain or issues you have to sort out. 

After I put it away. Poof be gone. I let it out and let it go. It’s in the past. No longer reflects who I am or what I would tolerate or accept. It was lessons. Painful lessons. 

Growth is painful. Healing leads to growth. 

Face your truths so you can be different and a better version of you. 

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