Wednesday, October 28, 2020

What’s Your Burden?

We all have them. It’s part of our destiny. I used to think not having a thyroid was my life burden to bear. Nope. I have that in control. I know how to eat without a thyroid. I know exactly when my levels are off. I know how to heal my body and adjust levels and environment to adapt. That I have control over. Ironic right but grateful for that. 

Last three years I had a burden to bear that unfortunately won’t go away. It’s one thing after another. It just wants to constantly take my peace. Last night I finally accepted it. I accepted this burden. I accepted this was my burden to bare for probably the rest of life. I am now ok with it because I know if I let it consume me it won’t change. If I gave that person anymore power I would just constantly feel defeated. I didn’t want to feel like that ever again. It wasn’t worth it. 

I even spoke to my boyfriend about it and then smiled and carried on with my day. It was minor but just a constant inconvenience. I exhausted my efforts and now it’s out of my control and I have accepted it. I accepted this unpredictability would be consistent in my life. 

Because we all have burdens. From a family member or an ex or a disease or a mental illness or an addiction or a handicap or a career choice or a situation that affected us or decisions we make over and over that causes harm then good. Something. We all have something. Something in our life is a burden. A situation we either let us break us or we just learn to accept it and find peace with it. We will always carry it with us. Unfortunately but it doesn’t make us who we are. It doesn’t have to damage us or affect us just because it’s there and will always be there. 

What’s your burden? Have you found your peace with it?

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