Thursday, November 19, 2020

Do Opposites Attract?

As you know I am very spiritual. I have met people like me and complete opposite of me. The funny thing is I am so comfortable with who I am I actually love when people put a logic spin on my intuitive side. When they don’t agree or think like me. 

I sent this to my boyfriend because this is a perfect example of our relationship. This is us. 

Why does it work?

Because we respect eachother. 100%. 

We couldn’t be more opposite when it comes to this.  We work because we don’t push our beliefs onto one another. He’s very logical. Everything needs to have a scientific spin to it.

I am completely opposite. Everything is very mystical. Everything has a emotional meaning attached.

He is very factual. If it doesn’t make sense then it’s not true. If there’s nothing to back it up he isn’t falling for it. Science is his answer to anything spiritual. Economics and science. Two of my least favorite subjects. 

Why does it work?

Because I am open to his truth. I respect it and don’t down talk him because he doesn’t think like me. He is open to my belief and respects me for them. My healing stones and reiki and salt cave and signs. Does he believe in them not like I do but he is willing to give them a try. Some things he has enjoyed. Some he laughed off. 

Why does it work?

Because no two people are alike. But when you love someone you communicate and that is something we are both really great at. Communication. We are both completely intune with our emotions and triggers and talk about anything and everything. 

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