Saturday, November 21, 2020

Who or What Keeps You Calm?

Work has finally picked up. Homeschooling three kids has become easier. I notice I started to juggle everything with ease. Yeah took a while but better late than never. 

At dinner I mentioned it to my boyfriend. I said not sure what has changed but I am extremely calm amongst the chaos. It’s weird more chaos has started but I am fine with it.  

Me he said. It’s me. 

I paused for a moment and smiled. 

You’re right I said. It’s you. 

He’s my outlet. My escape. My go to. My vent to. My laugh with.  He calms me. He’s super calm. We hang at night for endless hours and it’s my time to decompress. 

I have friendships like this too. Where we hang and I feel at ease and relaxed. I cherish those people. 

We all need people in our life who do this. Calm us. Make us feel relaxed and rejuvenated. 

Do you have these people in your life? If so be with them more. Escape the chaos. Surround yourself with peace and calmness. 

Stop running from life and change who you are spending your time with. 

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